MMC, established in 2037 BS, is a leading and advance education institution in Hetauda, Nepal. Accredited by University Grants Commission (UGC), Nepal in 2018

Conference on “Igniting Entrepreneurial Thinking in Youth’s Mind”

Campus Visit By Myagdi Multiple Campus

Training on Use of ICT and Digital Material Development for Faculties


Chhoisang Lama
President (FSU), Makawanpur Multiple Campus
Message From President (FSU), Makawanpur Multiple Campus
Makwanpur Multiple Campus is a non-profit oriented community campus. "Education for All" is its motto. The prime concern of this institution is to provide quality education in affordable fee. So, MMC is also the only choice for economically back and disadvantaged group of this community. Free Student' Union in MMC is always working for the students creating better teaching learning environment in the campus. I wan to assure all the students that MMC is the best choice for the quality education. Let's work together for our bright future.

Mr. Ananta Prasad Poudel
Message From Chairperson
Respected Guardians and Dear Students,Proudly inform you all that Makawanpur Multiple Campus is one of the most significant QAA (Quality Assurance and Accreditation) certified campuses from University Grants Commission (UGC). With this accreditation, MMC has got an international recognition in the field of providing quality education, and has been able to enhance its overall development.I am really thankful to all who have contributed their time, effort, skill and ability to the development of this campus. I would like to thank teachers, staff, students, members of the board of directors, member of previous management committees, guardians, stakeholders, administrators, business people, social workers, local government, representatives of political parties, all the national and international agencies and the people of this region for their perennial academic as well as financial support for its sheer advancement.We are fully aware of the fact that our campus has to make a long journey in academic field offering technical as well as market oriented subjects so as to provide practical education for students. We still have to make greater efforts to maintain the quality of education in the campus. Lots of things have been done in the past, and it will be continued in future with the help of all stakeholders.With a full assurance of quality education, I would also like to welcome all the new comers to this campus.

Dr. Yam Bahadur Silwal
Campus Chief
Message From Campus Chief
Respected Guardians and Dear Students,It's a great pleasure for me to thank you for showing interest at MMC for your higher studies. MMC is one of the leading community campuses. It is QAA certified institution with sufficient physical and academic infrastructure. It has modern classrooms, resourceful library, and well equipped computer and science labs with beautiful clean green campus premises. We have broad range of courses in science, management, education and humanities.We have a team of highly qualified, committed, well experienced, professional teachers. We are determined that our students will receive the higher quality teaching and support that will help achieve excellent results. We have set high standers in producing highly competitive, skillful, self motivated manpower who can contribute for the development of the nation.Finally, one again, I would like to thank all the students for selecting MMC for your higher studies and wish your further success with us.
What Our Students Say
सुष्मा पुडासैनी
निम्न , मध्यम र उच्च वर्गको समेत रोजाईमा पर्न सकेको यस मकवानपुर बहुमुखी क्याम्पसले आर्थिक अभावमा पढ्न नसक्ने बिद्धार्थिहरुलाई छात्रवृत्ति प्रदान गरी अध्ययन गर्ने अवसर प्रदान गरेको छ । BBM तथा BBA जस्ता बिषयले गर्दा राजधानी नै पुग्नुपर्ने अवस्थालाई हटाएको छ । विभिन्न समयमा हुने अतिरिक्त क्रियाकलापले समेत बिद्धार्थिको व्यक्तिगत रुचीले उचित स्थान पाएको छ र व्यक्तित्व समेत वृद्दी भएको छ। अनुभवी शिक्षकहरुबाट पठनपाठन हुने हुँदा ज्ञान पुस्तकको मात्र सिमित नभई विद्धार्थीले व्यवहारिक ज्ञान प्राप्त गर्ने अवसर समेत पाएका छन् ।
MBS 4th Semester
Choosing MMC was not my option, but my dream and I can proudly say that MMC is the best thing that has ever happened to me. The cooperative management and encouraging teachers are paving the way of students towards success. I am truly proud to be a part of MMC.
Student (BBA 7th Semester Nepal Topper)
BBA 8th Semester
Anish Alam
"Just practice doesn't make us perfect, but perfect practice makes us perfect" I feel gratified to be a part of MMC. MMC is the center of excellence for learning in relaxed and encouraging setting. MMC helps to unleash the real potential we posses by encouraging us to take initiatives. It has granted me skill, grace and power to turn my hopes into reality. It is the right destination. So I suggest you to be a part of this ideal campus But remember, it's not about where you learn or where you are from, it's all about how you learn, how much you enjoy throughout the journey and how you create yourself at the end.
BBA 3rd Semester Topper (2019 Batch)
Academic Programs

Master of Education
M.ED. in English & EPM Master of Education in English Language Education is designed for those interested in specializing in English studies and English language teaching. The program is ideal for teachers whose major is not English. It can also be useful for an individual who wants to develop his/her understanding of English language education. The four semester postgraduate academic program, M.Ed in English Language Education offered by Tribhuvan University is specially introduced for working professional especially teachers to enhance their English language. However fresher can also join the program. The program provides students with the core and advanced educational coursework. In addition to the classroom learning, students are equipped with practical trainings. Objective The overall objective of the M.Ed. program is to produce higher level academic manpower such as teachers, teacher educators, educational planners and administrators, system analysts and experts in the field of education. The specific objectives of...

MA (Sociology) Sociology has been established as a prominent social science branch under T.U. As member of social science, it encompasses the aspect like human evolution, Human Behavior,social institutions, social structure, social conflict and cultural complex of various societies in the world. In dealing with these aspects, Sociology/Anthropology makes holistic approach and no other members of this domain have contributed in such a manner. The course Sociology offers altogether 18 papers and a compulsory thesis in fourth semester. Out of them there are 14 compulsory papers from first to fourth semester. The student may opt for three optional courses in the third and one in the fourth semester. Objectives The objective of these courses is to impart up-to-date knowledge of the theories and methods of sociology to the students along with training in field-work and secondary data analysis. The second objective is to provide skilled human resource for Nepal development needs. The...

Bachelor's Degree in Business Management
Bachelor of Business Management (BBM) is a newly launched 4 years, 8 semester course of Tribhuvan University faculty of management. Each semester constitute of 16 weeks of intensive study. The program covers 120 credit hours. Students who want to enroll for BBM Program must pass the CMAT examination. Seven Business Schools of Nepal offers Bachelor of Business Management (BBM) program with affiliation from Tribhuvan University. The BBM program of Faculty of Management, Tribhuvan University is designed for aspiring business leaders and managers of the future. The BBM graduates are equipped with the necessary knowledge, skills and self-confidence to assist in effective and successful management, within constantly changing and highly competitive national and global business environment. This course has been designed with the objective of producing middle-level managerial manpower in the sectral areas. Program Objective of BBM: BBM program is designed with the following objectives: 1. Develop students’ skills in creative...

Master's Degree in Business Studies
he Master of Business Studies (MBS) programme requires the students to study a total of 1000 marks. Fourteen analytical and core courses (700 marks), 2 specialization courses (200 marks) and a thesis or two seminar papers (100 marks) will have to be completed. Objectives of MBS Program The objective of the MBS programme is to enable the students to work as competent managers and to meet the demand of higher level managers in organizations, particularly in the functional areas of management Upon graduation, a student should be able to function as a manager in business, Industry, government and nongovernmental sector, within and outside the country, in areas like accounting, marketing, finance and general management. The MBS programme specifically aims to: Equip the students with required conceptual knowledge of business and managementPrepare managers in the functional areas of management.Develop knowledge and skill of business environment in national and global perspective.Encourage entrepreneurial...

Bachelor's Degree in Humanities & Social Sciences
Tribhuvan University has launched four-year bachelor’s course in BA from the academic year 2076/077 under the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences. It is the inter-disciplinary subjects where students can study Compulsory English, Anthropology, Geography, History Sociology, Psychology, Economics, Nepal Bhasa, Culture, Rural Development, Social Work, Film Studies, Hindi, Nepali Linguistics and Population Studies within the same stream. The four-year course is of 2,000 marks (500 marks each year) and students can choose two subjects of 700 marks each as their majors and two subjects of 100 marks each as elective subjects. There will be three compulsory subjects — English, Nepali and Nepal Studies. English will be of 200 marks, Nepali 100 marks and Nepal Studies 100 marks. English has been made compulsory in the first and third years, while Nepali will be compulsory in the second year. The students will be evaluated on the basis of written examinations of 70 marks, while...

Bachelor's Degree in Science & Technology
Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) is a four year program of Tribhuvan University. This program is conducted by Institute of science and technology. The program has been upgraded from 3 years course to 4 years course from 2012 in order to make it in line with the international universities practice. The total course is of 2000 marks. Students have to study core courses and scientific communication in first year, core course and applied statistics in second year. In third year, apart from core courses of respective discipline, students have to study research methodology and electives subject. In elective courses, students have to choose any two subjects from respective subject pool. Fourth year consists of core courses, project work/ field work, computational courses and interdisciplinary courses. Fourth year is research oriented for providing knowledge, ideas and acquaintance to the students in the field of research. The core course is divided into theory...

Bachelor's Degree in Education
Since 1996 Tribhuvan Unviersity (TU) has been implementing three-year Bachelor programmes with annual examination system in Faculties of Education, Management and Humanities and Social Sciences and Institute of Science and Technology. Recently, duration of Bachelor programmes in those faculties and institute has been made four years by adding one more year. In conformity with this, Faculty of Education (FoE) is going to introduce four-year Bachelor of Education (B.Ed.) with two specialization subject areas (specialization major and specialization minor subject) in 2072 BS instead of offering single specialization area like in three-year B.Ed. Accordingly, students of four-year BEd. programme will have to study one subject area as specialization major and the next as specialization minor area selecting from among Nepali Education, English Education, Mathematics Education, Science Education (physical science), Health and Physical Education, Population Education, History Education, Geography Education, Economics Education, and Political Science Education. Students may also study one of...

Bachelor's Degree in Business Studies
The objective of the BBS program of Tribhuvan Universityat the FOM is to develop students into competent managers for any sector of organized activity. The program is based on the principle that graduates will spend a major portion of their life in a constantly changing environment. Therefore, the student should have an opportunity to obtain a broad knowledge of the concepts and reality- based skills underlying the operation and management of organizations. Upon graduation, students should be equipped to function as a manager in business, industry and government. The graduate should also have a variety of career opportunities in different sectors of business including entrepreneurship and create much needed jobs for others. The BBS program specially attempts to: Equip the students with the required conceptual knowledge of business and administration to develop a general management perspective in them. Develop required attitudes, abilities and practical skill in students, which constitute a foundation for the growth into...

Bachelor in Business Administration
The Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) of Tribhuvan University is a special program in semester system of Tribhuvan University, designed to develop socially responsive, creative, and result oriented management professionals to fill up the middle level managerial positions in the rapidly growing business sector in Nepal and abroad. The specific objectives of this program are: Prepare students to take-up middle level managerial positions in the business sectorDevelop students’ skills in object-oriented business management capable of understanding and solving practical business problems creativelyProvide professional management education with a blend of computer and management information system coursesPrepare students to proceed onto post graduate level study in business administration TEACHING PEDAGOGY The general teaching pedagogy of BBA at Tribhuvan University and affiliated colleges includes class lectures, group discussions, case studies, guest lectures, role play, research work, project work (individual and group), assignments (theoretical and practical), and term papers. The teaching faculty will determine...